Sunday 21 December 2014

I already eat too much, I don't need more temptation!

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't moan this week.

I'm very sorry to all those who last week read my blog, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. This week has been a lot better with the festivities ramping up towards Christmas and there has been plenty of food around, and that always helps me feel better.

I started the week with the intention  of exercising 6 times this week, I only managed 3, 2 runs and I did a bodycombat video with Lynne. I'm still feeling pretty good for it with no real aches and pains. I somehow need to get a third run in at some point in the week, but to be totally honest I am still just a bit too lazy.

Friday night was our work's night out and I completely stuffed myself with massive three course dinner! There were a few points in Saturday morning's run where I thought I might get to see it again. Although this is just the start, tomorrow the actuarial team have our Christmas lunch at the Carvery, then a range of other big meals happening before Thursday, when Lynne will make her traditional meat and twenty-two veg!

When I got home from the work's night out on Friday, there was an additional fixture in the office....

Apparently the temperature in the garage had become so cold that the fridge stopped working, so it has now been moved right next to my desk. I would like to tell you that it's full of delicious treats, but it is actually only half full of delicious treats because I've been munching on them since Friday night,

This is going to prove to be a real difficulty over the next two months as I study for CA2 and CA3, it's already difficult enough to study, but I've never dared try studying next to a fridge.

I may set the fastest ever time for rolling around the London marathon course!

Vital Stats

Time run this week - 2 hours 4 minutes
Distance covered this week - 20.1km
Distance covered since beginning of training - 42.7km
Average pace - 6 minutes 10 seconds
Weight loss this week - 2 lbs
Total weight loss - 4lbs

Donor of the week

When I woke up on Monday morning, I was very excited to receive an email saying that I had received my first donation through my just giving account. Step forward my auntie Lesley who made a brilliant donation and also left this great message:

Let me start the ball rolling Gary. I admire your zest for a challenge in fact 26 of them. I am behind you all the way, my behind of course being on the sofa!!

So for this reason, Lesley is my donor of the week:

(Lesley and my Gran when they visited us at the British Pageant last summer)

A few things about Lesley:
Greatest running achievement - Once finished a 200 metre race in high school, she blames her shorter than average legs for coming last!
What time she thinks it will take me to complete the marathon - She was pretty unsure about this, she asked me what the winning time would be, I said it would be just over two hours. She said in that case I think it will take you around 6 hours! - I really hope she is wrong about that.
Thank you Lesley!

Please give generously!

If you are feeling full of the giving spirit  the Christmas and would like to have a chance of  following Lesley and being donor of the week next week then please donate here,

Merry Christmas all.

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