Monday 9 March 2015

Mini Grim Reaper!

Well I've quite enjoyed my first week of having nothing to study, although I think it was helped by all the birthday celebrations this weekend.

I like to do stuff on my birthday that helps me forget I'm getting old, I don't like the thought that I am hurtling towards the end of life at an ever increasing rate. I don't know if it's just a coincidence or it's something to do with me, but there has been a lot of chat about death going on around me over the past week.

People who work as pension's actuaries can have a mixed view on death. Obviously on one hand it can be a very sad fact of life, on the other hand actuaries have to make educated estimates on how long people are going to live and if folks are living too long it costs our clients lots of money and makes actuaries look really stupid. So there is a bit of a balancing act with regards to our view on death.

It all started with a chat, Charlie my 8 year old son and I were having in the car, it went something like this:

Charlie: Dad, how old do you think you'll be when you die
Me: Oh I'm not too sure Charlie probably until I'm about 88, how long do you think you will live to?
Charlie: I think I will get to 100, Dad how do you think you are going to die?
Me: Oh, I don't like to think about that, how do you think you will die?
Charlie: Probably in a car crash (a little offensive since I was driving), I think I know how you will die.
Me: Tell me how I will die then.
Charlie: You are going to die doing the London marathon!

At which point I almost crashed - it's a bit worrying that my son thinks I'm going to die in 7 weeks and he doesn't seem all that bothered.

As the week progressed there seemed to be a lot of random discussions that I had with people which were on the topic of death, funerals etc.

Then the morning of Lynne's day  off work, I asked her what her plans for the day were, her response was, "I think I am going to sort out our wills". Does somebody know something I don't?.

I think the new marathon theme tune should be "I will survive".

Vital Stats

With birthday celebrations in the way this week only one run again, but I'm now feeling good for the final big push. Big thanks to my pal Charlie Marr for his company out on the run this week

Time run this week -  1 hours 5 minutes
Distance covered this week - 10.0km
Distance covered since beginning of training - 239.3km
Average pace - 6 minutes 30 seconds

Donor of the week
My donors of the week this week were the Rand family:

(old picture guys, sorry)

Paul (Rand) is my local Mormon Bishop and has been designated the official marathon spiritual leader, he may also have to officiate at my funeral if I don't make it. His wife Wendy is a running fanatic and has written an inspirational running blog for years, it's very good.

Also the Brown family:

Thanks to my uncle Chris and aunt Jill for their donation. Although when I thanked Chris he didn't know anything about it.

Thanks guys

Please give generously!

We are now just 7 short weeks away from the big day so if you would love the chance to be donor of the week and at the same time help a great cause that contributes to loads of different charities then please go to

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