Sunday 8 February 2015

Mortality matters!

This may be last ever blog post! I have a terrible case of man-flu and I'm not sure if I'm gonna pull through.

One of the big reasons I volunteered to complete the London marathon was to force me to get a bit more active, become more healthy, lose a bit of weight and in general make all round improvements to my physical well being. The theory behind it is sound - the main driving force for me to go out running, is not the exercise itself, but rather the fear of not being able to finish the marathon or coming last out of 36,000 runners and the public humiliation that would result.

As with lots of things in life the theory doesn't always pan out. This week I came across an article on the BBC news regarding recent research completed looking into the effects that jogging has on life expectancy. Now geeky actuarial folk like me love any information about mortality studies. I clicked on it eagerly looking for the confirmation that because of all my recent exercise, I can count on reaching a grand old age, however the studies suggest that folks who run over 2.5 hours a week will have the same life expectancy as people who do nothing. Ideally it suggested running a maximum of 2.5 hours per week at a maximum pace of 5 miles per hour, that's only 12.5 miles (not even half way).

Now it's probably just a coincidence but ever since reading this, it's all been down hill for me. All day after Tuesday's run, I was limping around and making old man noises every time I moved. It deteriorated rapidly to full blown man-flu by Friday and have continued to feel worse until today. at this rate I reckon I've probably only got a few days left!

Lynne says that I'm being a little over dramatic and that I've only got a small cold, but I never said she was making too big a deal when she was complaining of the pain of labour. She should count her lucky stars that she will never have to go through man-flu.

Vital Stats

Due to my current condition, I only managed out once this week:

Time run this week - 1 hour
Distance covered this week - 10.1km
Distance covered since beginning of training - 178.4km
Average pace - 5 minutes 59 seconds

Donor of the week

I was excited this week to receive an email saying that I received a donation from my friend and colleague Martin - no mistaken identity this time.

I sit next to Martin in the office and he has to put up with all my terrible chat all day everyday. Despite that he has been very generous towards the charitable trust. Martin also happens to be the actuarial team crazy golf and pool champion. Although it is not all good as he makes a terrible mint chocolate cheesecake.

Thanks Martin!

Please give generously

!If you would love the chance to be donor of the week and at the same time help a great cause that contributes to loads of different charities then please go to

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